Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pinky And Rex Get Married by James Howe

This was a very short picture/chapter book that was classified and sorted in the picture book section of the curriculum library. The entire book is comprised of only five chapters and forty pages The two main characters in the story, Pinky and Rex, are a young boy and girl who are best friends and decide to "get married." I thought it was interesting that the name of the boy in the story was Pinky and the girl's name was Rex. When i first picked up this book to read I thought for sure that the girl's name would be Pinky, but I was wrong. The book is certainly more narrative based than illustrated, and there are only some very simple illustrations about every other page or so. After Rex gets home from a wedding Pinky has an idea and tells her the following: "Let's get married." Rex agrees, and her and Pinky go about some steps of setting up a wedding. They invite their friends (stuffed animals), get music (a C.D. player), and even obtain rings (made out of grass). I thought the story itself was not very engaging or interesting, and there was almost no use of humor whatsoever (something I always enjoy in picture books). In summary, I don't think I would reccomend this book to many readers because I found it quite dry and not very enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...I don't know this book and I'm wondering when it came out. Generally, I really like James Howe (we read The Misfits in this class) and I think he is an engaging author. That said, the book your described doesn't sound so terrific. I'll have to check it out sometime!
